Saturday, April 12, 2008


I got to see something special this past weekend. Originally, I was just going to see my Cutie-Pie in her first role as one of the smaller “Who’s” in the Paris High School production of Seussical the Musical. I ended up seeing so much more (as great as she was).

Within two minutes they had totally pulled me in. From the awesome performances of the “Cat in the Hat,” and “Horton,” to one of my former student’s delightful role as a bird who dupes Horton into sitting on her egg, this was an amazing thing to see.

Outside of the great songs, rhymes and gags, I was struck by the sheer volume of work involved. While my granddaughter was making her acting debut, my daughter was making up faces, and my son-in-law was working with the props backstage.

That was just one family. There were many involved. According to the director, Dan Lynch, there were well over a hundred kids involved in the performance. One fourth of all the high school students were involved in some way with the musical.

Imagine all the potential energy they had to harness—all the different talents and personalities, that came together to make this thing work—and work it did. Dan and the assistants did a remarkable job, and so did all the kids.

Well over a year ago, Dan had a vision of what could be done. The team spent a year imagining it (thinking a thought as the writers and Dr. Seuss would say). Then they started recruiting help in each area. My granddaughter knew she was going to be a “Who” for many months before they began practicing.

They got help from the art department, the music department, and many other volunteers in the community. The kids got together and practiced—and practiced. And you know what? It all came together. Boy did it come together. I’m guessing it was just like Dan “thinked it.”
So what’s this got to do with losing weight, or with our next group of “Biggest Losers” starting this Friday, or with you? It’s simple.

While we might not all be able to get up on a stage and make everyone smile, we all have our own potential. We can all think a thought about something we’d like to do, like Dan did, like the writers did, and like Dr. Seuss tried to teach us so many years ago.

We have but to think a thought, dream a dream. And then, just like these great kids and volunteers did, get to work on it. Getting help where we need it, and practicing our part in it. Sure it might be difficult. It might be inconvenient. But nothing great comes without great effort.
You can even tell your own story. What thought do you dare to think? And what do you think might come of it when you try? I can’t wait to see it.

Nice job Dan, Cutie-Pie, Hannah, Amanda, T.J., and everyone else. And by the way, I don’t mind green eggs and ham, and I’ll take some whole wheat toast with it. Butter side up.

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