Sunday, April 06, 2008


It’s been a great 12 weeks and the final results are in. I have to say, that while I’ve been proud of all our Biggest Loser groups over the past year, this group has really raised the bar. There were several new records along the way. Our Biggest Loser, and the winner of the $500 was Joe Stidham who lost an amazing 21.324% of his body weight (49.6 lbs).

We started with 57 people and ended up with 21 people at the final weigh-in. Probably nine others (that I know of) were still active although they didn’t make the weigh-in. Three were still participating, but missed the weigh-in.

Perhaps six more had conflicts on Fridays, but were continuing with their workouts and improved eating habits. A couple others had had serious injuries that kept them from participating.

Cheryl Redmon lost more weight than any other woman (36.4 lbs) in 12 weeks. Four guys lost more than 40 lbs: Cody Redmon (40.2 lbs), Joe Stidham (49.6 lbs), Bill Lewis (52.2 lbs), and Chris Redmon took top honors and set a new record for weight loss (56.2 lbs).

Another nine people lost more than 15 lbs during the 12 weeks: Penny Spinner (15.5 lbs), Tiffany Gann (16.4 lbs), Jane Graham (16.6 lbs), Jasmine Camp (17.8 lbs), Donnie Bartos and Carla Sinclair (19.4 lbs), Janet Tyler (21.4), Stacey Reed (22.2 lbs), and Tony Haupt (27.8 lbs).
Finally, another six lost 10 lbs or close to it: Angel Lumpp (9.2 lbs), Rita Haupt (9.6 lbs), Shirley Fiscus (9.8 lbs), Dawn Stewart (10.0 lbs), Sherree Hutchings (10.2 lbs), and Pam Kelly (10.9 lbs).

I have to also mention the Redmon family again. As a family, Chris, Cheryl and Cody lost a combined total of 132.8 lbs. That’s more than amazing. Talk about changing their family tree! What a great example to set for the community. Nice job guys.

You should have seen them Friday afternoon out at the high school track for the final 1 mile walk/run. They’ve been improving their times each week, and the goal this time was to really let their hair down and show everyone what they could do.

It’s very typical to see a 3-4 minute improvement in the 1 mile walk/run time over 12 weeks. I have to say that this time, I was astonished. Stacey Reed went from 21:00 to 12:13, about a 9 minute improvement! She’s been doing everything. If we offer the class, she’s in it.

Denise Cravens went from 19:00 to 11:04, an 8 minute improvement. While she hasn’t yet seen all the weight loss she’s looking for, she is much stronger. You should see her during our power lunch workouts—I know she’s going to get what she wants.

Pam Kelly went from 21:12 to 14:12, exactly a 7 minute improvement. And our oldest competitor, Bill Lewis (age 67) went from 16:58 to 11:04; Sherree Hutchings, 18:37 to 12:47; and Donnie Bartos, 13:41 to a smokin’ 7:26, each about a 6 minute improvement.

The final competitors saw great improvements in their ability to do pushups and situps, too. Bill couldn’t do a single situp 12 weeks ago and posted 20 this time. Pam couldn’t get one at the first test and finished with 41. Many competitors doubled and some even tripled their ability to do pushups in a minute.

The great thing is all the competitors are so much stronger now—both physically and mentally and that’s going to serve them well in the future. So here are the final results from Biggest Loser “3”:

Name % Wt Loss Lbs Lost
1. Joe Stidham -21.324 -49.6
2. Bill Lewis -18.940 -52.2
3. Chris Redmon -17.218 -56.2
4. Cheryl Redmon -17.218 -36.4
5. Cody Redmon -12.036 -40.2
6. Carla Sinclair -10.948 -19.4
7. Janet Tyler -10.797 -21.4
8. Tony Haupt -10.611 -27.8
9. Jane Graham -10.197 -16.6
10. Stacey Reed -10.091 -22.2
11. Donnie Bartos -9.566 -19.4
12. Penny Spinner -8.944 -15.5
13. Jasmine Camp -7.646 -17.8
14. Tiffany Gann -7.509 -16.4
15. Angel Lumpp -5.875 -9.2
16. Rita Haupt -5.811 -9.6
17. Sherree Hutchings -5.484 -10.2
18. Shirley Fiscus -4.799 -9.8
19. Dawn Stewart -4.739 -10.0
20. Pam Kelly -3.921 -10.9
21. Denise Cravens -1.284 -2.0

When these guys and gals started a weight loss program, they were really fighting themselves—their own bodies, and their old habits. Now they’re stronger, weigh less, and their bodies have started working for them.

In the future, they’ll be able to do more work, burn more calories, and this will make it even easier to help control their weight. They truly are in the driver’s seat.

Some of the competitors are close to their ideal weight and will have to learn how to maintain. Some of them still have a way to go. At this point, they just need to set another 12 week goal and …do it again.

They’ve done it once, they know what to do. Now, they need to do it again. For some, they’ll want to do it again for another 12 weeks after that. Perhaps a few might need to do it again one more time. Then, everyone will be at their ideal weight, and they all can do it.

I want to thank Dimond Brothers Insurance for their fine support during this Biggest Loser “3”. They put up some great prizes each week (often more than one) so everyone had something to shoot for. At the end, they also put up another $100 for 2nd place, and $50 for 3rd place, which was really unexpected—and a really classy thing to do!

We have 40 registered for Biggest Loser “4” which starts Friday, April 11th. I was going to cut it off, but we’re going to go ahead and open it up to however many want to do it. You’ve got 2 weeks to get registered. $25 to participate, $500 prize for the winner, and you can have a gym membership anywhere you want. This will be the last one for awhile, so you better do it now!

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