Sunday, May 18, 2008


This week I want to talk about being intentional. This is where you do certain things on purpose, with an overall goal in mind. You’re trying to achieve or accomplish something.

We send kids to school with the intention that they learn something. We go to the doctor with the intention of getting better. Most people come up and exercise with the intention of shape, or stay in shape.

Intention can also be a bad thing. As a police officer (in my spare time) I’ve learned that intent can be the thing that makes a crime more serious.

For example, if you’re in a store, and the impulse overcomes you to take something, it’s shoplifting. But if you plan the act outside, and then go in the store with the intent of taking something, that crime is now called burglary—with much stiffer penalties.

Here’s another example. If you lose your cool and pop someone during a heated argument (and they’re not hurt too bad) you committed simple battery. But if you hide in their home with the intent of committing a battery, now that’s home invasion—a Class X felony!

Lack of intent can also get you in trouble. Let’s go back to our school example. We can send our kids to school, but if they just sit there, and never really work at it, well, you know what’s going to happen. If that same kid applies him or herself, studying hard, doing all the assignments, extra readings and the like, that child is going places.

Here’s another example from my other job. If I’m in a position to help somebody keep from being harmed, and had the ability to do so but didn’t—I’d be in trouble. Did you know that?

Intention is a powerful thing. If we can learn to do things (good things) with intent, we can accomplish a lot. During our Friday meeting, I asked the top two Biggest Losers to tell us how they did so well.

Bill Lewis came in 2nd place again. He’d lost 52.5 lbs in the last Biggest Loser, and in the 1st three weeks he’s lost 16.0 lbs! This week he lost 2.1% of his body weight, and 4.4 lbs. He said that he just works out twice a day and watches what he eats.

Sounds pretty simple, right? But think about it. Every day (twice) he has to intentionally get his butt down to the YMCA, get on that treadmill and start moving. He says he walks about an hour each time. He’s had some injuries, so he hasn’t been able to run as much. He’s also 67.

Each day, each meal (and even between meals), he has to intentionally avoid things that might trip him up. If he wants to eat something that might not help him, he has to intentionally say no and make a better choice. He also has to seek out good choices in the right amounts. This is intentional too.

There are plenty of people that know they need to do something, but don’t pursue it with the intention of making it happen—each day, each time. They won’t get what they want. Bill does, because he’s very intentional about it.

Our 1st place winner this week was Josh Rigdon, who lost 2.2% of his body weight, and 5.8 lbs. He received a $15 Subway gift card from Dimond Brothers Insurance for his hard work.

Josh told us he’s been working out twice a day (every day), and has been intentionally pushing himself harder. Sometimes he’ll run, and then go back and lift weights, and then come back and run.

He’s also being pretty careful with what he eats. He and a friend had to go out for pizza twice in the same week! They told me they drank lots of water, had a big salad and got the thinnest crust they could get. They also had to act with intention when a friend put a basket of bread sticks down right between them!

Folks, this is doable. Make a decision. Then every day, with intention, do things designed to help you achieve your goal.

Intentionally get your butt to the gym, or outside for a walk. Intentionally push yourself by going farther or faster. Intentionally avoid things you know are going to mess up your diet. You Intentionally choose things you know are good for you.

Once in awhile, intentionally have a “cheat day” and enjoy something that you intentionally avoid most of the time. Start walking through life with intention about the things you know you really need to do.

Remember, making no choice today is still making a choice. It’s really a choice to do nothing (at least today). It may or may not be intentional, but either way it has consequences. Choose to do something for yourself today. O.K?

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