Saturday, May 05, 2007

What's Up With Us?

Why do we keep doing things the same way, even when they’re not working? Why do we keep doing things we know will harm us, like smoking, excessive drinking, and overeating?

Why do we start another exercise program, thinking, “this time we’ll keep doing it,” only to let other things pull us away, after just a few weeks?

Why do we buy an Ab Lounge™, Bow Flex™, Skiers, Treadmills, Exercise Balls, and then let them sit there collecting dust in the corner?

Why do we say we’re going to make changes, and even make attempts at it, but then give up, again? What’s up with us, anyway?

In his seminars, success coach Anthony Robbins talks about how people sometimes sabotage success. Afraid of the consequences if things do change, we’ll do things to insure that things don’t change.

I think that sometimes, that’s true. I also think that sometimes, we just get lazy and comfortable in our ways. We take the easy road.

The bible gives us another perspective: “No matter which way I turn, I can’t make myself do right. I want to, but I can’t. When I want to do well, I don’t. And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway… Oh, what a miserable person I am!” (Romans 8:18-24).

Ever felt that way? Me too. And come on. We know right from wrong. We know when we should be doing something, and when we shouldn’t be doing that other thing.

It’s time to step up and make some changes. To start doing the right things. Look at it this way. A change is gonna come, one way or another. Ultimately, everybody ends up six feet under. So how do you want to go?

Time is going to pass, whatever you do. Ten years, twenty years, thirty years; whatever time you have left. How will you spend them?

Personally, I’d like to be productive till the end. Studies show that people in their eighties can improve muscle tone and strength, after just six weeks of training!

I’d like to have them telling me to slow down, worried that I might hurt myself. Maybe go skiing with my grand children.

I’d like to be like Moses, or Aaron in the Old Testament. God told them that it was time, and he was going to “gather them” to their people.” That’s how I’d like to go. Not in a bed somewhere, unable to do even the basic things to take care of myself.

Sure, bad things happen to good people, and accidents and disease can strike anyone. But it’s also clear that there are many things we can do to reduce the risks.

Certain foods help fight cancer. Other foods reduce the risk of heart disease. And everyone knows they need to exercise. Next week, I’m going to start a list of things you can do to turn things around. If you do them, you’ll start feeling better. You might even look better, too? Interested? See you then.

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